Saturday, March 26, 2016

`Complaining' vs. `Whining'

When there are problems somebody has to identify them and describe them.

Problems cannot be `fixed' unless they are known and worked on.

When someone senses a problem they should bring that problem to people who have the ability or resources to fix it. This process can be referred to as a `complaint.'

Complaints are essential to fixing problems.  Without complaints problems persist and worsen.

The motive behind complaining is to eliminate a problem.

When someone identifies and describes a problem but does not bring it to the parties who have the resources to `fix' the problem this is called `whining.'

The motive behind whining is to draw attention to oneself (pity, sympathy, etc) and/or to bad mouth / denigrate another.

When we make a good faith effort to not `whine' about things we will find that we don't have much to say.   When we eliminate whining in our lives we may find that the silence can be unbearable.

So, the take home message here is to complain more and whine less.

If all your friends knew the difference between complaining vs whining ... would you have less to say?  Would they? 

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